Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Acts 4:31-33; 5:41-42; 16:25; I Corinthians 2:6-16


This is a sad “Meditation” to write, as it involves my original home church (which in kindness I will not name). My precious mother took me to this once-good church from the time I was a baby. Through the years as I grew up, I was faithful to attend its various activities, and truly enjoyed being with many friends and families of this church. To this day I have fond memories of how the Lord often spoke to me there through God-fearing men and wise Bible teachers. Through this local church I first learned of the Lord Jesus Christ, was baptized in His precious Name, and began to seriously study the Scriptures when just a teenager.

However, the Lord led me away from this assembly to other churches and other ministries. I speak here not as a judge or a know-it-all. With Jacob of old, I can truly say that “I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies and of all the truth” (Genesis 32:10) which the Lord has been pleased to show me. I speak only out of a burdened and concerned heart for this church.

A recent, large flyer was mailed out from this church with these words on it: “Is the grass really greener?” This was on one side, with a background of colorful, green grass. On the other side were these words, “It sure is. Discover where the grass is greener. You are invited to join us at FBC for a morning of worship and celebration.” Then, a misquote of John 10:10 is given, but with no reference. When you saw this flyer, your first reaction was that it was from a lawn service company, not a church. Why have we come to this kind of advertising? It is sad beyond words to think that this once-spiritual church (where I encountered the holiness of God in power) has sunk to worldly promotions, falling in with “the emergent church” syndrome. “How are the mighty fallen.”

The grass is not greener at this assembly, I can assure you. The grass is a dead brown, because so many “things” go on at this church, it does not even resemble the assembly I once knew. They have moved from their old location (like other “emerging” churches) to a totally different location, with a very modern looking building (looks like a country lodge or hotel). But, remember now, “the grass is greener” here.

Looking at Scripture, what can we say about this? What we do not find in Acts, for example, is as important as what we do find. Note, church buildings are missing in Acts. Educated ministers are missing. Compromising, worldly programs are missing. But, persecution was not missing, nor was “fear of God.” Bold proclamation of Christ’s gospel was not missing; there was true love and reverence for the Lord Jesus Christ; there was much joy, praying, and singing (Acts 5:41-42; 16:25). “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness” (Acts 4:31). The true “greener grass” is being “spiritually minded,” yet is “not the wisdom of this age;” but it is having “the mind of Christ” (I Corinthians 2:6-16). How we need today a true revival of New Testament Christianity!

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