Saturday, February 9, 2013



Mercy sweetens all God’s other attributes. God’s holiness without mercy and his justice without mercy were terrible. When the water was bitter, and Israel could not drink, Moses cast a tree into the waters, and then they were made sweet. How bitter and dreadful were the other attributes of God, did not mercy sweeten them! Mercy sets God’s power on work to help us; it makes his justice become our friend; it shall avenge our quarrels. God’s mercy is one of the most orient pearls of his crown; it makes his Godhead appear amiable and lovely. When Moses said to God, ‘I beseech thee shew me thy glory;’ the Lord answered him, ‘I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will shew thee mercy.’ Exodus 33: I9. God’s mercy is his glory. His holiness makes him illustrious; his mercy makes him propitious. ~ “A Body of Divinity”

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