Friday, August 10, 2007


Let us look at some sobering questions regarding the church in general and its worship services in particular. Little is said in the New Testament about an actual "worship service," but we do have some glimpses.

Does Scripture give us a command to name Christ's Church? The answer from all students of the Bible must be "No." Then, why do we allow traditions (such as denominational preferences) to influence us concerning our church names and its services? If "Scripture alone" is our "authority" for what we do, how can we possibly be wedded to so many unscriptural views?

Does the wind blow the same everyday? Do we eat the same foods everyday? Do we wear the same clothes everyday? If not, then why do we meet as God's people, and regularly do the same things each time? The wind of the Spirit will blow differently from time to time, and He will cause us to worship differently also. Why the unnecessary, formal, cold, set-in-concrete order of worship? Where is the Scripture for such (regarding time frame or form)? There is none.

True worship must be spontaneous, spiritual, and scriptural, according to our Lord Jesus Christ (John 4:23-24). And according to Paul, it must be a "report that God is truly among you" (I Corinthians 14:23-25). If we meet and are not humbled and edified by God Himself being present among us, what good is it to meet, and how could this possibly help the unbeliever?

There was most definitely participation by individual Christians in apostolic meetings, brethren sharing "a psalm, a doctrine, a tongue, a revelation, an interpretation" (v. 26). While this may not be the norm for all time, it tells us the members of the body have differing functions, and should properly use spiritual gifts. Then, Paul plainly says, "Let all things be done unto edifying." And "love" among Christians is the spiritual glue that holds the body together (Colossians 3:14).
"The true church of Christ and false or merely nominal churches are to be distinguished by a comparison with the apostolic standard." C. B. Hassell

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